In 2019, the City of Pittsburgh set an ambitious goal: build a 220-mile, safe and connected network of on-street and off street facilities, enabling people of all ages and abilities to travel by bicycle and other small mobility modes to access the needs of daily life.

" Now more than ever, we need resiliency and safety in our transportation network. People on bicycles, people in vehicles, and people on foot all benefit from a complete network that logically accommodates travelers of all modes. "
Bill Peduto, Mayor (2014-2022)
City of Pittsburgh
The Final Mile program supported the city’s accelerated project construction, allowing city leaders to build about 50 miles of new bikeways by the end of 2021.

The Transformation of pittsburgh's Bike Network
Thanks to the Final Mile program, Pittsburgh reached 50% network completion by 2021. The city is dedicated to achieving 57% of its network goal by 2022 by building another 15 miles of bikeways.